I'm a founding member of The Woolites. We've been talking for years about a trip like this. It was worth waiting for--and then some!

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Thank you for sharing these details and photos from the Woolson tour! I’ll be watching to see what you and Anne decide to do next.

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Thank you, Tara!!! We had a great trip ! I am glad to have you watching our plans and as a new reader of All Things Italy.

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Wow, that sounds like an absolutely amazing trip!

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It was wonderful, Jody! And thankfully, one of the travelers was an amazing photographer who was willing to share her beautiful work. Many of her photos contain people, and I didn't have time to get their permission to publish them.

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Thanks, Etta! This was a wonderful story of the “Woolites” adventures! You did a lot in a short amount of time! You helped me to appreciate Woolson even more!

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Thank you for reading, Candy, and for sending your feedback. You would've been a great traveler with this group, too! We did pack in a lot . . .

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Thank you for this thorough and lovely round of our amazing trip!! I look forested to the interviews with expats as well!

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Only scratched the surface, Anne. Thanks for helping it all happen!

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Jun 23Liked by Etta Madden

I so enjoy these missives! You make one feel like she is on the tour with you. Than you, Etta!

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Neosha, thank YOU so much. I write with good, smart readers like you in mind. It helps me a lot to see your comments, too!

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Sharon, having a founding member (YOU especially) on the trip was fantastic!

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